Stuck for 10 days in customs over Christmas in +7°C then -20°C. Tower delivered.

Last year, an anxious phone call was taken from a freight forwarder over the Christmas period by Tower. A KT70 had been configured at 2-8°C and was being held by customs.
The forwarder’s agent noted from the Logger’s external display that the load was warming up and showing +7°C on the display: anxious that the unit was going to fail he asked our advice. He was told to place the whole unit in a refrigerator where it could remain indefinitely until the custom issues had been overcome.
We were somewhat startled when, two days later, we had another call from the same gentleman saying the load temperature was now down to 3°C. We asked what temperature the fridge was set at, after he went away to check and announced that it was below -20°C and had mistakenly been placed in a freezer and not a fridge.
We suggested he move the load out of the freezer and into a fridge as originally specified.
After 10 days the unit was finally cleared through customs and delivered to a very grateful customer.
The goods had stayed in compliance throughout the 10 days even though the recorded ambient temperature had moved from +7°C to -20°C and the Logger’s display and alarms had been used to full effect allowing measures to be taken without interrupting the integrity of the container.