Meeting the cold chain challenges of remote locations

In an edited extract from white paper, Passive vs. Active Systems in a globally disrupted age, Tower Cold Chain and Fierce Pharma explore the challenges involved in the transportation of pharmaceuticals into developing nations.
The increasingly complicated requirements put in place to ensure product integrity is maintained throughout the entire supply chain, has led to the development of strategic hubs and ‘pharma corridors’, in which groups of GDP compliant companies work together to offer customers assurance that their product will be handled with compliance and consistency from start to finish.
However, the pandemic and vaccine rollout has called to attention this defined ‘start to finish’ process. Multiple exposés of the vast quantities of unused vaccines in western countries point towards a need to re-evaluate the logistical ease and efficiency with which vaccines can be redirected to less vaccinated populations. Mike Meakin, Vice President of Global Quality Regulatory & Compliance at DHL Supply Chain, highlights the need for the industry to collaborate in order to react to this necessary ‘surplus transportation’, both in the current COVID-19 vaccine climate and beyond.
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