At Tower Cold Chain we consider the environmental aspects of our activities and services to be vitally important both locally, nationally and internationally.
We ensure our temperature-controlled systems are robust, reliable and reusable.
It is our intention to convey this principle to all of our employees, contractors, customers and suppliers.
To support this, we have implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) aligned to the requirements of the International standard ISO 14001:2015.
We are committed, through our Environmental & Sustainability Policy to:
- Comply with the requirements of environmental legislation and customer standards where applicable, to meet our environmental obligations.
- Protect the environment.
- Ensure environmental issues are considered in planning our business and managing our operations.
- Continually improve our environmental performance and processes through the development and achievement of measurable objectives and targets.
- Prevent pollution of the environment by having procedures in place to deal with environmental incidents.
- Comply with the environmental requirements set out within our Environmental Management System (EMS).
- Provide the necessary training and guidance to our employees and other workers to ensure they are fully aware of our environmental policy, our environmental objectives and targets and are able to contribute towards these commitments.
- Ensure effective relationships are maintained with industry partners, regulatory bodies, and other interested parties.
- Examine our use of resources, utilities, equipment, and materials, seeking to minimise their use, and recycle waste whenever practicable and to use products from sustainable sources.
- Use suppliers who are prepared to comply with our environmental requirements.
As a minimum, we will review this policy annually to ensure its ongoing suitability and, when there are key changes (e.g. customer, legislative, operational requirements etc.).
Our Policy will be communicated to all individuals working for, or on behalf of, the company and will be included in our Induction training. It is available to our employees via our company electronic systems.
It will be provided to our supply chain as appropriate and is available to all interested parties upon request.