• Solution overview
  • System Specifications
  • Evaluation Criteria
  • Documentation

Solution overview

The Tower Airline Insulated Box (AIB) enable airlines and train operators to carry food without compromising safety Standards, using dry ice or creating dedicated supply chain networks at each station. This provides return catering opportunities, reduces product loss and allows onboard catering to be uplifted from base for short-haul routes whilst still maintaining food safety requirements for up to 24 hours. Our onboard catering insulated box fit into Atlas airline catering boxes and carts.

System Specifications

Evaluation Criteria


Advanced Insulated Boxes

  • They are extremely robust giving a longer routable life than other chilled solutions on the market.
  • Our boxes maintain food temperature <+8°C for 24 hours
  • Our boxes are a passive temperature-controlled packaging solution that has no mechanical parts that could fail or require complex maintenance.
  • No need for dry ice
  • 100% reusable
  • Using Phase Change Material (PCM), not water-based gel packs, they deliver constant and consistent results.
  • Our boxes are food graded or FDA “known safe”.
  • Our boxes provide a flexible supply chain solution
  • Class leading compliance and no requirement for human intervention during transit.

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