Africa’s Cold Chain Market setting remarkable trends

Africa’s rapidly growing population and expanding consumer markets have boosted the need for dependable and efficient cold chain packaging solutions. As the continent’s economies expand, businesses such as agribusiness, medicines, and food processing strive to suit the changing requirements of African customers while guaranteeing the safety and quality of their goods. “Consumers want products that are environmentally friendly and fresh with longer shelf life and a reduction in food loss and waste.
Within South Africa the air cargo handlers are constantly reviewing concepts to improve on the integrity of the product. The combination of cool packaging material example gel packs, thermal blankets and dry ice is the latest trend within South Africa. This is due to the geographical position of South Africa to its consumers and to reduce food loss and waste,” said Chetty.
“With a growing prominence for personalised medicines, we are now beginning to see the advancements of precision therapies in the pharmaceutical industry. There is no longer a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to medical intervention. Instead, we’re seeing a move towards bio-specific treatments, tailored to a particular individual’s needs based on their genome.
In response to consumer demand, Tower recently developed the KTEvolution, a container which can easily be carried by 1 or 2 people. Available in 26-litre and 57-litre options, the KTEvolution is available across Tower’s full temperature range and is ideal for the rising trend in smaller shipments such as direct-to-patient, samples shipment, and last-mile deliveries,” added Ntshangase.
For full article please visit: Africa’s Cold Chain Market setting remarkable trends (
Authored by Nosipho Ntshangase Business Development Manager at Tower Cold Chain